Right to Life Association
of South Australia

Without the right to life all other rights are meaningless
Protecting life
We defend the innocent in their right to life from the moment of conception. We are a voice for those without a voice

Defending women
We defend women’s rights to give birth and raise their children. We offer support to vulnerable women

We can guide those in distress, harmed or potentially harmed by abortion to appropriate, loving and supportive counselling. Pregnancy support, Practical support, Post abortion counselling. Birthline Pregnancy Support Inc has a 24 hour crisis phone line on 1300 655 156 offering confidentiality, trust, a concerned ear, counselling services and helpful advice.
Defending the dying
We defend the rights of the dying to have dignity, comfort and care until the end of their natural life through palliative care nursing

Focus the attention of legislators to inherent dangers of existing or proposed legislation
Visit and write to politicians concerning legislation opposed to life
Provide pro-life resources to schools
Pro-life awareness activities in the community
Fund other like-minded groups in their endeavours to instil pro-life values into our community and to help others understand issues that can affect the lives of us all at some time.
Our Mission
Please contact us if you would like further information or assistance
Our Activities
Political action
Supporting other pro-life groups
Join us! Become a member
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