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Note: Annual renewals are due on 1st July each year


I / we wish to apply for / renew my / our Annual Membership of The Right to Life Association of SA Inc

Full membership $20 per person

Concessional membership $10 per person (Retired/Govt Pension/Student)


Name/s [Mr/Mrs/Ms]…………………………………………………………………………………


Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………..  Post Code ………


Phone ……………….……………Mobile …………………………………….…..                                                                                         Date …………………………..


Email…………………………………………………………………………………… Institution / Organisation (If applicable)……………………………………………………………


Payment via cheque or postal orders – please post together with this form


● I / we wish to make a donation to The Right to Life Association of SA Inc of $………………


Membership subscriptions     $________


Donations                                  $________


Total                                           $________


Payment via credit card (Visa, Mastercard)


Card Number       _    _    _    _        _    _    _    _        _    _    _    _        _    _   _   _


Name on Card .…………………………………….………………………………..   Expiry date  …/…


Signature  .…………………………………………………………………………..    Date….……………….


Payment via EFT / Direct Deposit


The Right to Life Association of SA Inc      Bank SA (Edwardstown Branch)        BSB 105 081  Account 310955240


Description reference  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – [Max 18 chrs]   Date Deposited…………….

Please ensure your name is included as the description reference


Please return this form after reading and signing your acceptance of the Objects and Membership conditions (see reverse overleaf) to:


The Treasurer

The Right to Life Association of SA Inc.

PO Box 604



Enquiries: Phone 0477 298 697     Email:        Website:



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The Right to Life Association of South Australia Incorporated” hereinafter called “The Association”



The Association shall be non-denominational, non-party political, with the following objectives:

(i) To defend the right to life of all human beings from conception and to promote the right of birth and life of the unborn human child.

(ii) To provide an organizational structure for collective citizen action in defence of the right to life.

(iii) To develop and carry out an educational programme directed to legislators’ considering public policy which has bearing on an individual’s right to life; and towards opinion leaders who affect   the making of public policy regarding an individual’s right to life; and towards the general public

(iv) To act as a vehicle for persuasive programmes of civic action designed to focus lawmakers’ attention on the true issues at stake whenever an effort is made to change existing laws which defend the right to life.

(v) To co-operate, work in conjunction with, assist and support organizations and agencies whether incorporated or unincorporated, which aid pregnant women and which seek to promote the unborn human child’s right to life.

(vi)  To awaken a sense of responsibility within the community and to initiate programmes of action directed towards the alleviation of all medical, social and economic conditions which might lead individuals to deny another’s right to life.

(vii) To recognize and support our close working relationship with Birthline Pregnancy Support  Incorporated (hereinafter called “Birthline”) in their task of providing pro-life counselling and practical assistance to all women who are confronted with an unplanned pregnancy.

(viii) To establish local branches of The Association throughout the state of South Australia.



Any person or body whether incorporated or unincorporated may apply for membership of The Association provided they subscribe to and agree with the above Objects.

Any application for membership, however, shall be referred to the State Council who may accept or reject any such application for membership.

The decision of State Council in this regard shall be final.


I accept and agree with the objects and membership conditions of The Association


Name (print)………………………………………………………………………  Date……...........………




 ●          Your membership application will be acknowledged with a receipt

 ●          Your membership acceptance will be confirmed with a gift of a “Precious Feet” lapel pin


Membership Form    Print out, fill in and post 

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